First of all, let's not beat about the bush. We are a company selling car covers and car storage systems, and of course it makes us very happy if you buy our products.
One way of achieving that would be to sell all and any type of car cover so that no matter what you choose, be it a good or a bad choice for your car, you can buy it with us. But this is not our style.
We only sell what we believe in, what we believe to be the very best products for car storage. As a result our product range is limited, but you can rely on these products to be the very best available in the market.
Below we give you an unbiased, factual summary of things to consider when storing your car. It will help you understand why some materials used for car covers are more suitable than others, and why in some circumstances a storage system is to be preferred.
If you have the luxury of an indoor storage space you need to consider if the space is heated or not. Is it completely closed or well ventilated? Does it have windows or a glass roof? Is it used by others and/or for other purposes apart from you and your car?
Not only outdoors but also in an unheated storage space, condensation will occur. Condensation is the main cause of corrosion which can damage not only the paint but also moving parts and the upholstery of the car.
Condensation is caused by a combination of the level of humidity in the air and temperature differences between an object and the air surrounding it. Consequently, condensation can only be prevented by:
lowering the humidity in the air
or -
preventing temperature differences between the air and the object
A car cover can't do these things, therefore
it is physically impossible for any car cover to prevent condensation thus corrosion.
To prevent condensation/corrosion, you will either have to put heating in your garage, or use a storage system.
If, for whatever reason, you can't or won't do either of those, you can still use a car cover to keep your car clean from dust and dirt and to protect it from scratches. Just don't expect it to protect your car from condensation or corrosion.
On top of being dust tight, soft and sturdy a cover that is to be used in an unheated storage environment must be
If your car is parked near a window or under a glass roof it needs protection from UV-rays. Indoor covers don't usually offer this protection, so in this case even if your car is stored indoors, opt for a good outdoor cover.
In these circumstances the cover must be
Is the space shared with others, and/or also used as a workshop - for the car or for various DIY jobs?
If so, there is an increased risk of damage by:
- dust (there will be a lot more of it)
- scratches e.g. from zippers on jackets and from sharp edges on bikes, prams, (garden) tools
- falling objects
- stuff being put on the bonnet or roof*
In this case a multi-layered material or even outdoor cover will offer more
protection from scratches.
Additional cover requirements:
*If you want to protect your car from falling objects or being used as a pack donkey, a storage system is the best option.
The cover must protect your car from rain, sunshine, bird- and treedroppings, and be able to cope with condensation.
It will therefore need ALL of the above requirements:
on top of the three basic requiments that you - of course - have not yet lost sight of:
dit moet bij CONDENSATION
In an unheated room, even if completely closed and insulated, the air is still influenced by the temperature and humidity outside. On top of that the air stands still. These are the perfect conditions for condensation to occur.
Air circulation helps reduce the temperature difference and allows moist to escape. Therefore, if your storage space is unheated, make sure that it is at least well ventilated. A drafty old barn is better than a perfectly insulated box.
Car cover or storage system?
If all you want for your car is basic protection from dust, dirt and scratches, a good car cover can do the job. It's easy to use and doesn't take up more space than your car itself.
How to choose the right cover for your storage conditions is described here.
If you want full protection from dust, dirt and scratches you need a storage system.
Also if you want to protect your car from condensation, you need a storage system. A car cover can NOT prevent condensation. Condensation is caused by a combination of climatological factors, which are explained here. A cover can't possibly influence any of these factors, but a storage system can.
In a storage system your car is enclosed in its own environment where nothing can touch it. Systems that work with air circulation offer additional protection from falling objects and from mice and other vermin, and from people putting stuff on the roof or on the bonnet...
However, storage systems also have their limitations.
They take up more space than your car; some are a hassle to get in and out of; some need electricity; others need regular maintenance, etc.
They are also more expensive than car covers, but if your storage space is very damp and/or condensation occurs frequently, it is better to invest in a storage system than to have to pay for damage to your car caused by condensation and subsequently corrosion.
The various types of storage systems are described here.